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Day 36/365 Blogging Every Day - An Idiot Learns to Count Cards Part 2

Here in the second part of hopefully many to come. I will give you an update on how my card counting learning experience is going so far. For people that have not read part 1, go back and read it by clicking on this link here -

For the people that do not feel like going back and reading all of that, I am using the hi-low system of card counting in which I raise and lower my bet based on how many high cards are left in the deck. Card counting is not illegal, just frowned upon by the big, bad, evil casinos who are the shadiest businesses on the face of the earth. More shady than mattress stores. How is there so many mattress stores in America and are they used to traffic humans or not. I feel like we should know this answer by now.

Back to the card counting, I think I will move this to a once a month blog on Sundays most likely as football is no longer occupying my entire Sunday, and I feel like If I post a card counting blog once a week it will get very stale, very fast. So let's get to the stats shall we.

Counting down a deck of cards - 35 seconds

Previous best - 48 seconds

This is the most basic and easiest drill to do, so I am able to do it while watching TV or anything else that does not require my hands. I want to get this down to about 25 seconds as that is what the average professional card counter can do it in. Still a good improvement in just a few weeks.

Dealing a Deck of Cards - 2:01

Previous Best - 2:18

I really like just dealing a deck of cards to myself and I think this is the drill that really works my brain the most and gets me better the fastest. Seeing the physical cards and trying to move as quickly as possible while also trying to be accurate is a challenge. I really want to be able to do a whole deck in 1:30 by the time summer comes along.

BlackJack Apprenticeship Test Out - 94%

Previous Best - 89%

This is great improvement. I know that last time I did this I really struggled to keep the running count, true count, and knowing what to bet in my head all at the same time and this time it was much easier to do all 3 at once. The only thing that really tripped me up was some of the deviations that I had to play. A deviation is when you have to deviate from playing perfect basic strategy and do another action because of how high or low the count it. For example, I had a hard 9, and the dealer was showing a 7. Basic Strategy would tell you to hit and not double down, but because the count was at a true 6, the right move there is to double down.

Overall I am happy with the improvements I am making. I really want to be able to get better at deviations and getting the test out to 100% consistently. Thank you all for reading todays blog, I know it is short and sweet and completely off topic of the last few weeks. Blogging every day, ideas tend to fly by pretty fast. Share with a fellow card counter that wants to take down the evil casinos, or a friend would help too.

That, is today's Tea, with T


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