What I mean by food topping is something that is an accessory to the main food item. An example would be lettuce on a burger, mustard on a hot dog, or pepperonis on pizza. Now I have really no proof for this as it is an opinion of mine, but I think that cheese is the most overrated food topping.

Let me explain myself before you click off here. What is a food item that cheese is a necessary accessary for? You may think that most Italian food needs cheese in order to be good, which I do agree with you. But can you name a food item that is not Italian? Maybe a burger right? I could never eat a cheeseburger again in my life and just eat normal burgers and I would not miss a thing. I would not miss cheese on a salad either. Oh nachos? Chips are better without some fake ass melted cheese on them."BuT WhAT AbOUt ChEeSe FRIes? No one wants soggy fries that get your hands dirty and greasy. Grilled cheeses are also overrated, warm bread with cheese in the middle ooooo so yummy. Grow up.
Do not even get me started on cheese dogs. There is no easier way to ruin a hot dog than to put cheese on it. I do not understand how people eat sticks of cheese for a snack. It cannot be that good to be eaten cold and raw. If someone told me I had to die or only eat cheese for the rest of my life I would tell them to tame me to the nearest cliff. There is also no reason for all the different kinds of cheeses. At one point in my life I was a dairy stocker at a grocery store and the most annoying section by far was the cheese section. Can someone tell me the difference between cheddar cheese, mild cheddar, and sharp cheddar. Hell I do not even know the difference between cheddar and American. What the hell is a colby jack cheese and why does it have 2 first names, pick one or the other.

Ok now I get the differences between swiss, american, mozzarella, and parmesan. Each one of those has a very distinct taste to it and a purpose for different foods. If anyone can do a blind taste test on 10 different kinds of cheeses and go 10/10 then I will be impressed and I will believe that different cheeses taste differently. Is blue cheese even cheese? You know that old sports saying that goes something like "If you have 2 (insert sports position) that's because you do not have 1." Well I feel like that goes well here with cheese. If you have over 1,000 different cheeses, then you do not have 1. If cheese was really that good, then there would not be so many different versions of it.
Please follow me on all of my socials, share with a friend so we can all be haters of cheese together, plus I think its bad for your health... maybe.
That is today's Tea, with T