Come all come all, welcome to the Tea With T. Gonna be blogging on a hopefully regular basis because I have a lot of thoughts, and not enough people to tell (People are tired of hearing of my stupid thoughts) but the internet can never get tired of my stupid thoughts. We're gonna get started off here with a common feeling that most people have experienced.
I have been drunk many times, maybe too many times, but I got a lot left in the tank, and here are some thoughts on the best feeling when drunk.
Eating Food
As a former, and current fat boy, I have done my fair share of eating both drunk, and sober. I can tell you without a doubt that the food i have had when piss drunk, is the best food of my life. It could be fried gas station food, bomb as hell, Pizza from the pre game that has been sitting out for a few hours, one bit, everybody knows the rules, 8.8 at minimum. Don't even get me started on a fresh bag of chips, those get deleted faster than you can say “ grab me another beer.

Talking to Chicks and it's Going Well
Now when I was in my prime drinking era, I wasn't really into seeing if I could bang a million girls, but when you see a chick from across the room and your hammered and before you can have a thought about what to say words are spewing out of your mouth like diarrhea, that's a good feeling. When she responds and doesn’t blow you off, even better. Any normal guy when drunk loves hyping themselves up, and hyping yourself up to a chick that you just met and she's on the same page as you, one of the best feelings of all time.

First Time Getting Drunk
Anyone's first time getting drunk is a moment that you will never forget, and if you do forget, I am sure there's a video, photo, or someone is going to tell you so you never forget. Getting drunk unlocks an ability in a human that they never knew. Some people like that new ability too much, and we call those alcoholics. Personally, the first time I got hammered was the day I learned that I have too many thoughts and not enough people to listen to me. You could say it was the seeds to the blog here.

Riffing With The Homies
Nothing, and I mean nothing beats a great convo with the boys. Get some drinks, throw on the game and start saying whatever comes to mind. Whether it's talking ball, talking chicks, or just talking. A good riff session can cure a lot of problems in a man's life, and make a lot of memories.

A Cold Breeze
Last, but not least is some ice cold wind in your face. Let me get personal again and tell yinz that I, as previously stated, was a former and still am fat boy, therefore, I run a little hot. When I get drunk, I run about as hot as a 2006 Subaru with 300,000 miles on it in July. A cool breeze not only feels good to cool down the system a little, but it also clears the brain completely. Think about it as a little timeout to reset the mind and body to make plans to go get food, or talk to that chick a little more.

Best of The Rest
Sex - Stomach hurts a little bit too much for all that movement and it makes me wanna
Throwing up - Feels great to throw up when you're hammered, a great relief for your tummy, but you just threw up from drinking, not a good look at all.
Gambling - Great if you win, the worst feeling ever if you lose
The perfect song - We have all belted our lungs out to a song while plastered and it was pretty awesome
Watching a good show or movie - I feel like I get teleported into the screen when I am hammered. Nothing matters at that moment except what's going on in the screen.
A cozy place of rest - pretty much self explanatory here
And that's the Tea, With T
