Blankets are used by every person, everyday, for multiple hours a day, but rarely do people every talk about them. That ends today, as I will be tier ranking the different kinds of blankets that I have used in my lifetime. Here is my tier list, we will break it down one by one.

Best Tier

Nothing beats a good quilt. Nice and thick and it holds in heat. It can be used as a throw blanket and a blanket on your bed. It is cool in the summer time and warm in the winter time. A good quilt can cost over $100 and that is because it is the best blanket that anyone can have. Not to mention the longevity, these puppies can last for decades if taken care of properly.

The other blanket in the best tier is a comforter. The comforter and quilt combo on a cold winter night is undefeated. Every bed has a comforter and it because it keeps you so warm at night, but never too warm. An underrated thing to do is to take the comforter from the bed to the couch. If you do this, you’re locked in for an all time lazy day.
Better Tier

Here we have a weighted blanket. Weighted blankets are nice for a few reasons. For one, they are always big enough to cover your entire body. Another reason is that they keep you very warm. However, these things are one trick ponies, they only keep you warm, which they are excellent at. But in order to sneak into the best tier, gotta be able to play all the roles.

The other blanket in the better tier list is a classic fleece throw blanket. Jack of all trades, master of none. If you do not have one of these bad boys on your couch, what are you doing in life. Hell, I am using one right now. Only thing keeping the fleece throw blanket from the best tier is that they are usually too small, and they never stay put when you move around so they are not good to sleep in.
Good Tier

The heated blanket, sounds like a great concept on paper, but in reality it is very mid. The feeling of the wires is not very comfortable, and the uneven distribution of heat kind of ruins it for me. The only reason it is not in the terrible tear is that they are decent even without the heating aspect of it.

Wool Blankets are good at keeping you warm without any other gadgets. No wires or sand to keep the heat in, just wool. Now, why is it in the good tier? I am feeling itchy just looking at this thing. I would rather go no blanket than wool blanket in most scenarios, but it is not as bad as our last tier.
Terrible Tier

These woven blankets are horrible. Do not keep you warm, are itchy, and are always too small. Never in my life have I ever snuggled up with a blanket like this. I do not think anyone actually likes these blankets. What you do not see in this picture is the pile of money behind the blanket that the lady got for smiling with the most dog shit blanket of all time.

More fur does not mean better blanket. These fur blankets are always too small and they are so uncomfortable. I do not care that you went to northern Alaska to kill a wolf to make this blanket. It sucks, you know it, I know it.

Why are their strings at the end of this blanket. No one can ever answer this question for me. They are nothing but annoying, they tickle you, get in your face, and I know damn well that there is no way this blanket is big enough. I hate the strings, I hate how small it is, I hate how it does not keep you warm, just an all time bad blanket right here.
Give me your thoughts about the blanket tier list in the comments below. I would love to hear some thoughts about other people's blanket preferences.
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