Does a sauce go with everything quite as well as hot sauce? Think about it. Lets name some foods that compliment with hot sauce real well chicken wings duh, then you got pizza, plain chicken, hamburger, rice, salsa, burritos, tacos, literally anything Mexican and don't you dare forget about eggs. Almost anything that needs a condiment, my choice is hot sauce. Even Frank's Red Hot, the most popular hot sauce brand is "I put that shit on everything" which I completely agree.
The only thing that I will never put hot sauce on is pancakes, waffles, and french toast. Thats because syrup is such a strong support player its insane. Im talking Pippen to Jordan type of support player. I think that waffles, pancakes, and french toast would not have a grip on the breakfast game that they have today without the help maple syrup. I once saw a little kid eat pancakes dry and with his hands and I wanted to show him how to properly eat pancakes since his parents clearly do not care nor love him. But eggs get hot sauce, I've even had hot sauce on sausage and bacon when syrup is not an option.

Lets compare hot sauce to a few different powerhouses of the condiment game. First lets start with every little kids go to, ketchup. Ketchup is terrible. It is not even a top 5 condiment in my flavor palette, i'd go as far as saying its in the D tier of condiments, right down there with horseradish and tartar sauce. Lets go to what the white people of the world consume more than water, ranch. I'll say it, i'm not afraid, ranch is straight up not a good condiment. Im putting it next to sauerkraut in the tiers of condiments. The flavor is terrible, it is way overused, and the competitor, blue cheese runs laps around ranch. And I bet those that are ranch lovers are also the people that hate on mayonnaise. For those people, I got 2 words for y'all. Chris Paul and Steve Nash, must see TV.
Why do I think that hot sauce is the best condiment? Well not only are there like a million flavors, and it can compliment just about anything, but it is actually addictive. When you eat something spicy, your brain goes into a little bit of a panic mode because it is in pain and when your brain is in pain it releases endorphins. Endorphins are the same brain chemical that is released when you get done with a workout, otherwise known as a runners high. So basically what I am saying is that instead of going to the gym, I just eat a shit ton of hot sauce, and my brain doesn’t know the difference. Its about working smarter not harder here folks.
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