Now this one is coming from the heart. It doesn’t have to be a guy you hangout with, but it could be a co-worker, friend of a friend, or random guy that attaches to your hip at a party because no one else will listen to him, and trust me, there is a reason no one else will listen to him.

The worst guy to hangout with is the guy that goes "Hey check out this video" but instead of sending it to you, they put their phone in your face, and make you watch it. Now this is fine, if the video is less than 10 seconds long, but when you go over that, then it becomes annoying. The video is never funny. People showing me a "funny" video on their phone are 0-1,000,000 on it making me actually laugh. I had a co-worker who was the king of this. The videos were always at minimum 1 minute long and let me tell you, the length of that one minute is up there with a minute of planking.
I also got a friend who, this is his bread and butter. You know who you are, if you even read my totally awesome blogs, or read in general. He will show me a Facebook reel, yes a Facebook reel in the year 2025 from a man born in the 21st century that I probably saw, no shit, a decade ago on an Instagram page named some shit like "Funniest Vines" or "Super Edgy Memes". Not only are you sitting there watching an unfunny video that is lasting what feels like forever, but there is no way in hell that the guy showing you the video is holding that phone still.
So heres the solution. Don't let the guy shove the phone in your face, as your pee wee football coach once said "the best offense is a good defense". Next after you back him away, ask him to send you the video to your phone. And if that all doesn’t work, you gotta know the signs. More than likely if this person sees the "funny video" they will laugh and that is your sign, to get out of arms length and go do something. These people are becoming more and more common, its basically the next plague.
I know this blog is short but I had to get this off my chest and I know that there is other people out there that are with me. Everyone knows this guy, and if you don't know this guy, then I hate to tell you, you are him.
Please share this with that friend, and be proactive, don't shove the phone in your friends face, send this blog to him, be a good friend and part of the solution.
And that my friends, is the Tea, with T
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